Capacitor discharge time. Capacitor voltage during discharge.

When a capacitor is discharged through a resistor, the voltage across it drops exponentially. Usually use the time constant of the RC circuit equal to τ = R * C , which determines the time during which the voltage across the capacitor becomes ~ 36.8% of the voltage across a fully charged capacitor. Capacitor discharge voltage
The online calculator below allows you to find:
- The voltage across the capacitor during the discharge by the resistance and capacitance of the RC circuit, the discharge time and the initial voltage across the capacitor;
- The time required to discharge the capacitor to the required voltage in terms of the resistance and capacitance of the RC circuit and the initial voltage across the capacitor.
- Resistance or capacitance of an RC circuit for voltage across a partially discharged capacitor, charge time and initial voltage across the capacitor.

Capacitors are important elements in electrical circuits that can store electrical charge. The discharge of a capacitor can occur spontaneously when it is not connected to a power source, or on command when it is connected to a discharge circuit. In this article, we will look at the discharge time of the capacitor and the voltage across the capacitor during the discharge process.

The discharge time of a capacitor depends on its capacitance and the resistance of the circuit into which it is connected. The formula for calculating the discharge time of a capacitor is as follows: t = RC, where t is the discharge time of the capacitor, R is the circuit resistance, C is the capacitance of the capacitor.

To understand how this formula works, let's look at an example. Suppose we have a 10 uF capacitor and the resistance of the circuit into which it is connected is 100 kOhm. To calculate the discharge time of a capacitor, we can use the RC formula: t = 10*10^-6 * 100*10^3 = 1 second. Thus, the discharge time of the capacitor is 1 second.

The voltage across the capacitor during the discharge process changes in accordance with Ohm's law. The formula for calculating the voltage across the capacitor as a function of time is as follows: Uc = Ee^(-t/RC), where Uc is the voltage across the capacitor, E is the initial voltage across the capacitor, t is the discharge time of the capacitor, R is the circuit resistance, C is the capacitance of the capacitor.

To illustrate this formula, let's look at an example. Suppose we have a 10 uF capacitor with an initial voltage of 5 V. The capacitor is connected to a discharge circuit with a resistance of 100 kΩ. We can use the formula Uc = Ee^(-t/RC) to calculate the voltage across a capacitor as a function of time. Suppose we discharge the capacitor for 2 seconds. Then we can calculate the voltage across the capacitor every 0.5 seconds using the formula Uc = Ee^(-t/RC):
- After 0.5 seconds: Uc = 5*e^(-0.5/(100000*0.00001))) = 2.27 V
- After 1 second: Uc = 5*e^(-1/(100000*0.00001))) = 0.98 V
- After 1.5 seconds: Uc = 5*e^(-1.5/(100000*0.00001))) = 0.23 V
- After 2 seconds: Uc = 5*e^(-2/(100000*0.00001))) = 0.07 V

Thus, the voltage across the capacitor during the discharge process decreases as the capacitor discharges, and approaches zero.

In conclusion, the discharge time of the capacitor and the voltage across the capacitor during the discharge process depend on the capacitance of the capacitor, the resistance of the circuit and the initial voltage across the capacitor. Formulas for calculating the discharge time of a capacitor and the voltage on the capacitor allow you to find out how the charge and voltage on the capacitor change during the discharge process. These formulas are widely used in electrical engineering, electronics and other scientific fields.
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